Friday, April 19, 2013

Speeding Ticket

I'm not the slowest driver on the road but I don't speed recklessly, either, so it was a surprise to get a speeding ticket yesterday just minutes after climbing into the car.

I was on the way to take my income tax records to the man who takes care of it for me and wondering which street I needed to use to get to his house.  I turned on to the main street close to my house and sort of gunned it to get into existing traffic when I saw a policeman step out into the road in front of me.  I thought he was crossing the road but then he waved me over.  Oh, oh!  I hadn't even realized I was speeding but I'd gotten up to 70K in a 50K zone faster than I imagined.

He was very nice and asked if I got many speeding tickets.  I told him the last one was probably 10 years ago but it was actually 7 1/2 years ago in the States on my way to Florida.  He did give me a ticket but reduced it to a lower speed so I wouldn't have any points against my insurance.  $52 but it made me realize I have to be more careful when driving.

He also said that many speeding tickets are given to Hondas and Nissans because they ride so smoothly that the driver often isn't aware how fast they're going.  I'd noticed that, especially, last year when I first got the Altima.  Good car, though!

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