Sunday, April 21, 2013

Time to Contemplate

Well, the sun is shining, my house is neat, I've had 2 morning coffees, and I've played on the computer for about 3 hours.  This is what I call a relaxing day.  We need days like this where nothing much demands our energies and we can flitter from one pastime to another with no deadline or sense of urgency and I'm enjoying this one very much.

I really feel sorry for people who can't relax like this and just enjoy the peaceful moments without having to do something they consider useful.  Work will always be there, even after you've gone on to the great hereafter and then someone else will do it.  You have to take the time to enjoy your limited moments while you're still here to enjoy them and I do this a lot.  Lucky me.

I'm still basking in the delight of having Linda clean my house.  The upstairs is done and tomorrow she comes back to do the rest (might need another day, though).  I should have done this years ago but I just felt too guilty about it...stupid me.  Having lived in this house since 1968 means there are plenty of corners that haven't had the attention they need and my more limited mobility sort of guarantees they'd remain unseen to without the help of Linda.  There is a time and place for everything and this has turned out to be my time to hire help.

Mary, Faye, and I joked about us just being early middle aged but we know the truth.  We're senior ladies who still have a lot life left in us to have a roaring good time when we want.  All of us are fortunate that our senior years have been kind to us and have given us the opportunities that our mothers and grandmothers couldn't have imagined.  I don't think my mother got far beyond this city in her whole life.  Nan visited Toronto and Windsor because she had daughters living there.  Neither of them ever owned their own home, either, and that was one of my driving desires for as long as I remember.

So, here I sit (in my own home) playing on the computer and looking out onto my sunny backyard.  The fates smiled on me.

P.S.  I wish I knew why some of the paragraphs in my blog suddenly appear in larger letters.  

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