Saturday, June 08, 2013

Gay Serial Killers

Sometimes when I'm cruising around the internet, one thing leads to another until I'm far into a subject I hadn't even thought about before.  Today I started out looking for apartments and before I knew it I was reading about the ratio of heterosexual serial killers to gay serial killers.  How about that?

I saw two sources for the ratio of gay serial killers and they were very far apart...14% or 40%...but both sources were people repeating information they'd found elsewhere and not from their own research.  Nonetheless, I started thinking about how many serial killers I've heard about who were actually gay and it got me wondering why this should be.  I use logic a lot and it seems that gay people are under more stress than the heterosexual community and stress leads to all kinds of emotional damage.  This could be the logical reason for there to be a larger proportion of gay serial killers than we should expect (apparently 10% of the population is gay).  Being cruelly treated for their sexual preference all of their lives would make anyone hateful.  

Of course, there has to be a bit of mental illness to create a serial killer, too.  And that leads into my belief that many gay people are not born that way but choose homosexuality because of some traumatic experience in their lives.  We have all heard of straight people deciding later in life to "cross over".

No matter what their choice, it's no-one else's business who they play with and one day in the future it will be a completely accepted practice with no stigma or bullying attached.  But today we shouldn't be surprised that there might be a slightly larger ratio of gay serial killers in our midst because violence and hatred often breed true.  It's the old story of what goes around, comes around.

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