Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Am I Getting Old?

I joke about being an old gal but I really don't believe it until I look in a mirror or work too hard.  Today I got another blast of reality from my daughters.  Kim, Shelley, Aeron, and Jake worked like demons this afternoon helping me sort, bag, and cart all my craft stuff to the apartment.  It was truly a daunting task...even they looked like dragged out, half dead people by the time we were finished.  We're having another heat wave with temps in the 30'sC all week.  That's mid 90'sF and the heat just drains all the energy from you, especially if you're carting heavy loads anywhere.

Anyway,  they kept telling me to rest and that they'd do all the work.  Kim was honest enough to say she didn't want me having a heart attack...I think she was worried that if I did they'd have to carry all my stuff out of the apartment right after carting it in.  No, I know they worry about me and it wasn't too hard for me to follow their orders.  I rested often while they probably toted a ton of craft supplies, fabric, and yarn to the spare bedroom in the apartment.  It's all piled there now waiting for me to go there and organize it, making it neat and making space to put in a single bed, too.  I've already told Mary that, when she visits, she might have to sleep on top of a huge pile of monk's cloth.  LOL!  I was only half kidding.  When Kim saw how much monk's cloth I have (to make afghans) she asked me how long I plan to live!  I do have a lot...an awful lot.

Actually, Shelley brought up some of those storage bags you vacuum the air out of and it is really amazing how it minimizes whatever fabric items you store in them.  My monk's cloth doesn't look too massive now but the rest of the craft items are taking up a scary amount of space.  Some may have to go but I'll find that out when I start organizing it all.  That will be fun!

Tonight, I'll hike my tired, sore body up the stairs to bed early and know that tomorrow all the aches and pains will be gone.  I'm lucky that way.  The bad part of tomorrow is that we're all going to Niagara on the Lake and Niagara Falls and the weather forecast is for 33C...almost 100F.  The heat wave lasts until Sunday when normal summer weather arrives for a while.  I can't wait!   

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