Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Britain's royal couple, William and Kate, are expecting their baby at any moment now and people are excited about what they'll name it.  My choice for a girl's name is Diana, after William's mother who was so loved by the people...not so loved by the royal family!

I'm not a royal family fan.  We just don't need them but I do like William and his little devil brother, Harry.  They seem more everyday, probably because their mother was normal.  The royal family always appears to be stiff and unapproachable...but they're no better than the rest of us.

William and Kate are a beautiful couple and I hope their newborn is a happy, healthy child, not too influenced by his or her grandparents.  Queen Elizabeth detested Diana who gave of herself, not standing back like the rest of the royal family.  She involved herself in charity work which made us view her as a lovable, approachable woman.  She really was a wonderful person who died much too young in a very suspicious auto accident.  I, for one, will always wonder if she was murdered.

So, it is fitting that William's baby girl (if it's a girl) be named after her belated grandmother, Diana.  In an interview on T.V. this morning, some British dignitary said he didn't think the name would be used because it would ruffle too many feathers.  I say, "BULLCRAP"!.  I hope William has more backbone than that!  I guess we'll see soon. 

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