Friday, July 26, 2013

Another Scare

I scare easily.  Yesterday, I took a small load to the apartment and enjoyed walking around my new home once more.  One of the things I took down needed to go into the bathroom but, when I went in there, I saw that the toilet seat was up.  My heart dropped because I'm there every day and no male has been with me in at least a week.

Heart thumping and wondering what the heck I'd gotten myself into by moving into an apartment where the superintendent had a master key to get in, I walked into the kitchen to put away a few things.  I opened one of the cupboard doors and noticed, through my worried eyes, that they were the new ones.  My kitchen had the replacement cupboard doors I'd been promised!  That's why someone had been in the apartment!

The white doors are on but the brown framing hasn't been resurfaced so I don't know when that will be done.  I would have assumed it should be done before putting on the doors but it looks nice just the way it is so I'm happy.  Maybe it will just be painted white but I don't care either way.

I don't like the idea of strangers in the apartment but I guess that's the way it has to be when something is being repaired.  I'm very glad I had Don put a safety latch on the front door, though, that I can use when I'm in the apartment alone.

My house looks so empty and unloved with almost all of my stuff gone.  It doesn't look like home any more.  3 more days and it won't be!

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