Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Down to the Wire

There's so little left in the house to take to the apartment but I seem to have hit a wall.  I'm simply exhausted and having trouble forcing myself to take even 1 more little box to the car for transport.  I think I've been working so hard this past month on sheer will power and determination and now that it's almost done I'm sort of giving in to my mind and body telling me to stop and rest.  But there's still stuff to be done.  

My garden has really suffered and hasn't been weeded since I got the apartment.  I'm almost embarrassed about it because it's always looked so pretty.  But I just don't have enough energy left after toting boxloads out to the car and into the apartment every day.  The grass gets cut because I have a service that does it, thank heavens, or it would be 3' high by now.  It will be heaven to be completely moved and settled and that's only a week away.  I hope I survive it.  

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