Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sometimes The System Doesn't Work

George Zimmerman has been legally declared innocent of the act of murdering Trayvon Martin.  It's unbelievable that he wasn't at least found guilty of manslaughter but what's done is done.  This is one (more) time the judicial system didn't work and a murderer has been set free never to have to face the consequences of shooting and killing a 17 year old young man.

We, the people, know that the judicial system is seriously flawed and that true justice is often not seen.  It's so disheartening to see how this particular trial has ended, though.  A young boy had his life taken from him by an over-zealous cop-wannabe and it's all ended as though the boy was at fault.  How can that be?

I just don't understand how a jury could find Zimmerman innocent when, from the very beginning of the incident, he ignored police orders not to approach Martin.  There has been no justice here.  

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