Friday, September 13, 2013

Just Thinking

When I was younger, I loved to walk for hours through the city and a lot of thinking was done during those walks.  Being alone with no-one beside me to talk to meant my thoughts went inward.  It really pays to spend quality time alone so that your thoughts can reach those inner spaces because it's there that you will learn a lot about yourself and your life.

As I got older and lazier, the walks became shorter until they only went as far as the car where I could drive while I mused.  Again, you don't have to strain yourself to do in-depth thinking.  You just have to open your mind and close out outside influences.  While I drive, I appreciate much of the natural beauty around me and realize over and over how lucky we are to experience just being alive.  At my age, I've lived days of hell but many more days of glory so I know enough to appreciate the good moments.

Today was one of those nothing sort of days, quiet and little that needed doing although I did laundry.  I've been alone all day without even a phone call but there's no loneliness in my heart.   I have done a lot of thinking, some constructive but mostly future plans.  I've got a short list of projects for next spring...recovering the diningroom chairs and buying a new quilt for the spare bedroom.  And, of course, planning and planting my balcony garden.  This apartment life is soooo relaxing!

It's nice to be at peace and to be able to appreciate the moment.  


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