Friday, October 18, 2013

Holy Crap

So I just get the good news about the skin cancer being gone and today I wake up with massive diarrhea that, so far, has lasted all darned day.  The only thing I can attribute it to are the 2 little pastries I bought at the grocery store and ate after dinner last night.  Apparently small but probably loaded with some kind of bacteria.  Yuck!  I'm very thankful this didn't happen next Friday, the day before I hop in the car to drive 1200 miles to Florida.  I'm assuming it's just a 24 hour illness but it's stopping me from going out for dinner with Cindy and Don tonight!

Some good news, though.  Faye has decided to drive down to Florida with me and I'm soooo happy about that.  We'll have a ball!  

It seems such a shame that so many of the days of my younger years were sad ones and now that I'm an old gal my days are pretty damned good.  Maybe it's Karma and I'm being given a gift for living a pure life.  Well, mostly pure.  

Now, if only my stomach would stop gurgling and threatening embarrassment. 

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