Thursday, October 17, 2013


Survivalists don't trust government to take care of their needs but rely on their own strengths to exist.  I guess I've always thought they were a bunch of nuts but just watching the ridiculous antics of politicians has made me reconsider.  I don't go so far as wanting the government taken over by a group of anti-government people...they'd just be another form of government, the power would go to their heads and before long they'd look just like any other politician of today.

I think survivalists could have it both ways, though.  Use the government body for whatever it produces in their favor but also look after yourself so your world doesn't fall apart when the politicians screw up.  And they always do because most of them don't give a hoot about you and me.

I don't trust politicians as far as I can throw them but we do need some sort of officials in power to run the country.  I just don't understand why can't we sue the ass off them when they steal from us, don't keep their election promises, or if they serve their supporters' interests instead of the interests of the general public.  Let's have a plebiscite on that, okay?  If it should pass, most present day politicians would run for cover but more good ones would soon come forth and, before you know it, we'd be living in an efficiently and honestly run country.

That's my vision of heaven...honestly run for the benefit of every inhabitant. 

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