Monday, October 14, 2013

National Coming Out Day

This makes me damned angry!  To whose advantage is it to have a national coming out day?  Is it to convince our young men, who can get erections over nothing at all, that their sometimes wayward thoughts make them gay?  Is it to convince our young girls that because they love their girlfriends it makes them gay?

Teens are going through a kind of hell with their hormones and it's easy to convince them that it means something it doesn't.  I really don't understand the push to place labels on yourself instead of just taking the time to grow up.  Labelling yourself in any way will stick to you like glue for the rest of your life and either enhance your life or hurt it.  

National coming out day is perfectly fine for adults who should know themselves well enough but, for teens, don't let yourself be conned into something you'll regret.  I say "fine" but I honestly don't give 2 hoots if you're gay or not so don't feel you have to inform me about who you like to play with.  

I've always been under the assumption that 10% of the population is gay but, according to Psychology Today, only slightly more than 2% are gay.  I wonder why we've been led to believe that 10% are??

All that ranting said and done, if one of my loved ones was gay I would never love them one bit less than I already do and I wouldn't try to change them.  Under any label is still the real person and that's who I'll always love.  

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