Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Isn't it strange how being addicted to anything can be harmful to your health?  Even people who are addicted to exercise or supposedly healthy eating habits can overdo to the point of harm.

I've often wondered how someone can crave whatever they're addicted to so much that they can't function without it.  Addictions are usually blamed on stresses and tragedy in a person's life but I think that's just a crutch for not taking responsibility for our choices.  When we over-indulge in anything, it's our own brain making the decisions to do what we're doing.

My own addiction revolves around food and I know why it started.  Earlier in life, I was so unhappy that food filled the void and gave me a feeling of comfort...all the while it was causing damage to my health.  It was my choice to do this and it can't be blamed on circumstances in my life.

It's an absolute wonder to me that I know with every fibre of my being that eating crap is bad in every way for me but I have continued to do it for most of my life.  My poor choices over-rode my intelligence.  Are we biologically created to ignore common sense and race after instant gratification?  Maybe.  Otherwise, there'd be fewer babies born to unwed mothers.  LOL!

Right now I'm trying to retrain my brain to eat more sensibly and cut out junk food.  It's another effort that probably is doomed from the start but I have to get credit for trying.  I said a long time ago that I don't want to be skinny, only comfortable, and that's true today.  There's always hope, right?

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