Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Starting Sensa

My 2 month supply of Sensa came today and I used it for the first time at lunch.  This was our sausage+ lunch at the clubhouse that Donnie and helpers make for us every Tuesday so there were plenty of choices.  I usually get an egg salad sandwich and a Diet Coke but sometimes I can't resist the pies, etc. that are also available.  Today I was good because we can't expect Sensa to work if we don't make some healthy decisions, too.  I had just the sandwich and Diet Coke and sprinkled the Sensa on the egg salad part before rethinking that it might work better (by smell) if I'd sprinkled it on the top of the bread of the sandwich.  I'll know better next time.

Anyway, I am going to write a complete blog titled "My Sensa Experiment" so please follow it if you're interested in my progress (or lack of).

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