Monday, November 18, 2013

Body Image

As you age your body will start to fail you.  You may stay relatively healthy way into your 80's but your body will continue to surprise you with it's changes.  The one good thing is that you stop caring what others might think of your looks.  I remember how I worried about every little body change mainly in my middle years and what effect it had on viewers.  How silly of me.  We all know that anyone who values you based on looks isn't anyone worth having around.

In this age of cosmetic surgery, many women (especially) are turning to botox or more invasive surgery to slow down the aging clock but they're only fooling themselves.  Time marches on and leaves it's mark regardless of cosmetic surgery because you can't regain youthful skin once youth has passed. 

I admire lovely skin probably because of all the problems I've had with my own.  Skin cancers and wrinkles have robbed me of my youthful skin but that's kind of what one should expect when they get old.  I don't like it but that's just the way it is and it hasn't hindered me from having wonderful friends who like what's on the inside.  And I honestly prefer that.

We live in a society where youth and beauty are idolized and that seems to cause a lot of unhappiness to some of those who don't possess them.  Thank heavens for the people who have enough strength of character to see beyond the facade because they most often will discover treasures that more shallow people might miss.

We old folks might not be beautiful but we're all full of knowledge gathered over a lifetime.  We're valuable.  And it would be nice if everyone was aware of that!



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