Friday, November 15, 2013

Toronto Mayor Ford

There are many times we see someone racing out of control to tragedy but no-one seems to have the power to stop them before it's too late.  I'm in Florida but every day in the news is the debacle of what's happening in Toronto with mayor Ford.  It started out as a disgusting issue of the mayor of one of the most important cities in Canada being shown on video using crack and dallying with known drug dealers.  Bad enough, but it's gotten progressively worse.

He's not a physically presentable person to begin with, always looking dishevelled and clumsy because of his immense weight but it's his incredibly arrogant attitude that he can lie and do whatever crimes he chooses and get away with it. 

I first reacted to his arrogance with deep dislike but, as the days have passed, I've come to feel a strong sypathy for a smart and capable man who is destroying himself before our eyes.  Is there no-one close to him that can save him before he self destructs?  Videos of his daily clashes with city counsel and reporters show a man on the crumbling edge and it's become frightening to watch.

Drugs and alcohol have made a once popular and productive man into a laughing stock.  There's no doubt that he makes the news now mainly for the entertainment value of watching the once mighty fall embarrassingly from grace. 

There can only be one of two ends to this sad story.  Either he'll accept his addiction and get professional help or he'll die.  And then the hounds will seek another victim for our entertainment. 

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