Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Another Day, Fewer Dollars

Yes, Dee, Marg and I went to the casino yesterday and I lost all my money.  I wish I knew why I like gambling so much...usually people like what they're good at.  The one saving grace is that I limit my losses.  My children can be grateful for that.

I am good at a few things.  Swedish weaving, solitaire, and I'm sure there are a few things more.  I hope so because that's one short list I'm sorry I started.  But we don't have to be experts at anything as long as we enjoy what we are doing and that's a good thing for most of us, isn't it?

I enjoy so many things and that's what makes me a happy camper almost all the time.  There's always something to turn to when I have a spare moment and it doesn't have to be a useful activity, just an enjoyable one.  Some people are very "useful" oriented and don't waste time on frivolity.  I say frivolity is the main activity we should all pursue.  There will be plenty of times in our life when we need to be serious so, please, pursue as many useless but fun moments as you can fit in a day.

Today, Faye and I are visiting a friend in the morning and then hiking quickly back to the park for our "Tuesday Lunch" in the clubhouse.  Donnie, the cook, has spoiled us terribly with his labor of love and I need to buy a big container of his homemade soup so I can freeze meal sized portions for myself.  Donnie will be having surgery soon and we'll miss those Tuesday lunches something awful.  I wish him a quick and healthy recovery.

This afternoon is up for grabs...we haven't decided what to use it for but it will be a good time, I'm sure.  Tonight we'll play cards with a nice group of friends and laugh a lot.  What a nice life we're living.  Thank you, Dennis.

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