Monday, November 11, 2013

Do We Gossip?

I tried putting on a photo of the latest sign a friend brought me but couldn't do it.  I don't know why and I don't know how to find out why it won't work.  Sigh!

Anyway, the sign says, "We don't gossip, we distribute vital information".  I love it!  In truth, I do believe that is what we do at our Friday morning coffeetime because most of the talk seems to be about park/management problems.  We all need that information and you can't call it gossip.  We learn about the health problems of our friends who haven't arrived and the arrival date of those who will make it back this year.  We're not supposed to bitch but there is always a little bit of what??

One of my friends was saying that she had stopped taking crap from anyone and wondered why it took so long for her to develop that attitude.  It's my attitude, too, and I think it's because we seniors have less to lose if we speak up.  I, personally, am not aggressive and prefer to walk away for good instead of putting up a fight but don't challenge me because I don't back down if I'm in the right.

We talk a lot as we play cards, too, and it's more funny stories about whatever situations we've found ourselves in.  Every once in a while the discussions become too morbid but that's a rare occurrence, thank heavens.  Every one of us could tell horror stories if we chose to do so but it's too late in life to dwell on unhappiness.  Now we live to laugh!

Do we gossip?  Maybe a bit.

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