Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Taking Responsibility

It is rare to hear someone say, "I'm sorry, I'm responsible".  When I do hear someone taking responsibility for their error in judgement, I feel such respect for them because it shows a purity of heart.  Sometimes it's very difficult to admit you've done wrong and you'll twist everything in your mind to justify what you've done.  But there comes a time when, if you're basically honest, that the truth needs to be admitted...especially to yourself.

The "stand your ground" law has been twisted beyond anything it was meant to represent and people are aggressively killing instead of taking the option of retreating.  I believe that the "stand your ground" law was meant to protect someone who was being immediately attacked and not someone who deliberately put themselves into an unsafe situation or someone who was the aggressor.  There will always be a lawyer who knows how to twist the obvious crime and make it appear appropriate, though.

Religious people believe there will be a judgement day but I believe that liars and cheats begin their come uppance the same moment they commit their crimes.  Bad karma is not nice and somehow, some way, we all pay for our transgressions.

Everyone has skeletons in their closets, moments in their lives they'd prefer to keep hidden, but it's a mistake to think they're so far in the past that they don't matter any more.  They're still inside that little cloud in the back of our minds.  You are what you do...or did.  OJ Simpson is a broken man who may not have been convicted of murdering his wife and her friend but he has suffered very much from it.  What goes around will eventually come around to bite you in the bum!  It's karma. 


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