Saturday, March 15, 2014

Healing Slowly

I started the cool down gel last Sunday to take the redness from the chemical peel away and it's working...slowly.  There's definite improvement but I still look like I was in a serious accident and landed on my face.  I used the internet to look up comments from other users of fluorouracil and they've all had the identical experience and are very happy they went through the process.  I'm hoping I'll be a success, too.

I had an interesting experience last week but can't remember if I wrote in the blog about it so I'll do it today, anyway.  Joann and I were at one of our game rooms and I was playing at a machine when a lady came up to me and quietly asked what had happened to my face (so many people have asked but always people I know).  I answered her truthfully and she then asked me if she could say a prayer over me to help with the healing.  She was so kind and sweet that, even though I'm not religious, I told her to go ahead.  She put her hand on my shoulder and said a heartfelt prayer to heal me.  I was very moved by her kindness.  I'm always moved by how often strangers seem to come out of nowhere and offer a kind and helping hand.  It never goes unappreciated or forgotten.  In fact, it spurs me to be a better and kinder person.

I don't know if it's because of my ever advancing age but I really do come across more kind strangers than I did when I was younger.  I guess chivalry and respect for elders is far from dead.  Thank heavens!

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