Wednesday, June 04, 2014

I'm Not Voting

I can't help it.  When I listen to all those present or wannabe politicians spouting the same old promises they have no intention of keeping it disgusts me.  Why other people believe them enough to vote for them is completely beyond my understanding.  They always make promises to create more jobs, do wonders for retirees and teachers, and now they're promising more help for the people with mental disorders.  Always the topic of the day!  And they won't fulfill any of these promises...but their brain dead followers will still rally round them and cheer them on.  Insane.

Elections get me down for another reason.  Their campaign signs interfere with my recognition of yard sale signs because they look similar.  I rarely yard sale any more but my eyes have been trained to spot a yard sale sign a mile away so I still react to them viscerally.  When I realize it's only depicting a political candidate, I'm disappointed.

Political candidates make a lot of speeches and they usually have a little (or large) group of people standing behind them while they speak.  That always looks comical to me, wondering why they are standing there like zombies.  I think it's to make us think the candidate has a strong following and that's why we should believe them.  It's a visual that doesn't ring true.

I know we need people to run our country but why can't some of them actually do the job they were elected to do?  And why don't we, the public, have the right to demand they keep their campaign promises?  And I think we should pay more attention to and support the politician who seems to be ganged up on by the others.  The one being hooted and booed might be the only honest one in the bunch.     


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