Monday, June 02, 2014

Ordering Cheques

Today is really a do-nothing day, perfect for doing catch-up on odd jobs.  I pay my rent with post dated cheques because I'm a little reticent about giving access to my bank accounts to too many people.  I started writing out the darned cheques and ran out of them...who would have known?  The people who work at my new bank have turned out to be very pleasant to do business with so I called to order new cheques over the phone.  I found out that I can get 100 single cheques for free but it would cost me close to $50 to order the checkbooks with copies.  Guess which ones I ordered!

Banks are gearing down the use of cheques at all so they're not making it easy for those of us who still want to use them.  I can still get 100 free every year and I won't use those up but they're still nice to have handy.

I love having these do-nothing days where my time is completely my own.  If there's a cupboard that could be cleaned out or a few phone calls to be made, these are the days to do's my choice.  Apartment living is much different from living in a house because houses are filled with odd jobs waiting to be done.  It tires me just thinking about what I've escaped.  When I was younger, I loved to putter in the garden on do-nothing days but skin cancer and age made that too much of a chore. Apartment living is my choice and my pleasure now.

And now for another coffee.

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