Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I Peeked And They're Covered In Full Feathers

I wasn't going to look at the baby sparrows again until they emerged from their nest but Faye and Donna wanted to see them so I did.  They look like tiny full feathered birds!  I know that means they could take a flying leap off my balcony any day now and I might miss them altogether.  It's nerve wracking to replace the planter that sits in front of their nest, though, so I really am not going to look again.

Faye, Donna, and I went out for lunch and then to Len's Mill Store to look for fabric.  I found a lovely piece to cover the cushions on the sofa but it was kind of expensive.  I'm going to just slip cover the ones I have like a pillow sham so I can take it off and wash it or just easily change the cover for another one.

We came back here for tea and talk and I was sad to see the afternoon end.  I've know both of these ladies since I was in my teens and it's so nice to just yack with people who have been in your life for this long.  But then there are people who slip into your life and you immediately feel as though you've known them forever (like Sylvia).  I guess it's just nice to spend time with people you really care about no matter how long you've known them.

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