Sunday, July 20, 2014

My Baby Birds Have Feathers

I wasn't going to bother my little nestlings any more because I was afraid I might squash one of them when I put the planter back in place but I took a chance and showed them to Cindy and Don this morning.  They have feathers and almost no room in the nest.  I'm hoping to see them at least once more before they fly away but I won't move the planter to do it.

I have sort of odd feelings about them flying off because it will be a lot quieter around here when they do.  Daddy sparrow won't squawk all day to keep me away from them.  I'm assuming he'll just fly off and live his own life somewhere.

Cindy called me yesterday with an invitation to go out for breakfast this morning and, of course, I said yes.  I seldom turn down an invitation to go out for a meal.  We went to the "Fifties Diner" that I've come to think of as my home away from home and we had a great breakfast.  Then they came back to my apartment so Don could hang my full length mirror.  I am such a lucky old gal to have help like this.

I'd started a Swedish weaving afghan for Don's mother and discovered I'd stupidly put in 2 extra stitches in one spot so the rest of the pattern couldn't go in.  It took forever to take out what I'd already done and start over but it was worth it.  Sometimes we can just fake it by calling it our new pattern but not in this case.  Sometimes we just have to accept the only way is to remove and start over.

I have a few projects on the go right now.  The biggest job ahead is to re-organize my crafts and probably dispose of some of them.  I really want to buy an antique dressing table and that's why I got rid of a shelving unit and need to re-organize but maybe wanting the dressing table is a blessing in disguise.  It's forcing me to cut back on crafts I may never even start.  I'm much too lazy to make as many plans as I have when it comes to crafts.  It's better when I just jump right into an idea and follow up on it immediately.  

Well, life is what you make of it and one of my driving forces is to keep mine uncluttered.  I'll take pictures of the new dressing table when I get it...I'm hoping the seller will deliver.  


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