Sunday, July 06, 2014

Nolan's 5th Birthday Party

Nolan won't be 5 until July 10th but his party was held yesterday...a perfect sunny and warm day.  Many of the family members were there...2 Grammas, 4 cousins, 2 uncles, 2 aunts.  Also attending were 4 or 5 of Nolan's classmates.  

Nick and Natasha had arranged a lovely barbecue and also a face painter for the kids.  To describe him as a face painter doesn't do him justice.  He is an artist!  The boys all chose animals and the girls chose butterflies.  HMM!  I do believe the difference in the sexes does start at an early age.

I was very impressed with the behaviour of the children.  All had fun, some more exhuberantly than others (the boys) but all very well behaved.  I remembered my Shelley's 4th birthday party where the children got completely out of my control with one child biting another and a tiny frightened child standing in a corner crying her heart out.  I wondered if the modern practice of sending our babies off to nursery schools and pre-schools might be paying off some benefits.

Nolan would have loved to gather up all his presents and go off by himself to play with them but was easily persuaded to hold off until his guests went home.  I remember a birthday party for Cindy when she was maybe 7 and she simply disappeared from her party.  I found her hiding and playing with her presents.  It's perfectly normal.

I loved the party and I loved seeing how many family members were there to celebrate it with him.  He's a lucky little boy. 

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