Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Being 74

I guess that part of my reasoning for writing this blog is to pave the way for my children and grandchildren to understand seniors.  My 74th birthday was yesterday and it was the first time I'd really felt old.  I've joked about it before but still felt comfortable with my age.  I'm not quite as comfortable about 74 for some reason.  It seems way older than 73 and I can't figure out why I feel that way.

My grandaughter asked how old I felt and I thought very seriously about it before answering, "50", and that's the truth.  I still feel imbued with vitality and strength of mind if not body.  I've never had body strength so it doesn't surprise me that my muscles are weaker now.

Maybe youth is more important in the mind than in the body and I've gained knowledge and intelligence as I've aged.  This is something I'm very aware of and thankful for.  Especially the knowledge.  I care more about the important things than the unimportant ones and I've learned to be humble.  Being humble is not a weakness but a great strength for us.  Not one of us is the center of the earth but we're all part of a magnificent whole.

Back to being 74...I'm going to have to work on my attitude about this number and not let it spoil my fun.  

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