Friday, August 01, 2014

The Value of Laughter

Genuine laughter is better for us than any medication.  I honestly believe that laughter can heal us, too.  It definitely can heal a troubled mind and bring it back into sinc with what it should be.  Good memories that bring a smile to our faces are the next best thing.

I don't know when I turned my back on the unnecessary dramas of life but it was a smart move.  It's always amazed me how some people can carry grudges which drag their inner peace down.  It's much wiser to let those old grudges slip off and become a distant past instead of carrying them heavily through the whole of our lives.

Mary was here for a couple of days and Faye joined us for an overnight.  We did a lot of laughing...even at ourselves.  It felt good and that nice feeling will last me for a while yet.  

It drains your mental resources to dwell on unhappy events in your life so why do it?  We all have past and present of episodes we could have done without but that's life.  How we deal with it is our choice, though.  You can choose to let it fester in your system or you can choose to let it go and then get on with your life.

I love to laugh and, darn it, there's more to laugh about in this silly world than to be depressed about.  Just listen to a little child giggle and you'll know how much we have to be thankful for.  And I don't mean to ignore the sadness in the world but we shouldn't let it take the joy out of life.  When you're truly happy, you can do no wrong to anyone.  It's the angry, hateful people who cause all the trouble.  Poor them.  

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