Saturday, October 04, 2014


There's something good to be said about taking drugs.  If they really do help cure you of an illness or keep you from feeling like death emotionally, then they are a good thing.  I don't know if it was the Imipramine or not but I feel close to normal now, as though I can tolerate whatever I have to deal with.  I don't care if this is a placebo effect (I don't think Imipramine works this fast) because the way I felt yesterday was unbearable and now it isn't.

There's usually a guilt feeling when you are depressed.  You know there are other people much worse off than you and that whatever is ailing you isn't really too serious but you just can't seem to drag yourself out of the despair.  There's no logic to depression.  For many it's simply a failure to cope.  If a drug can take the sharp edge off that then I'll take it.

I've got about 6 weeks until the minor surgery and then 2 weeks of walking around with a big stupid bandage on my face before the stitches come out and the biopsy report comes in.  I'm not happy but I'll survive.  

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