Sunday, October 05, 2014


Mary is coming to stay with me for a few days and I'm anticipating a wonderful time spent with her.  Faye will come this afternoon so we can all go out for dinner and then back here for gin and tonics and lively conversation.  Brent, Mary's son, lives nearby and we're hoping he'll join us...he's quite comfortable with us old gals.

This is going to be a busy week...gambling tomorrow, Faye and Donna for Swedish weaving on Tuesday, dentist and doctor visits on Wednesday morning, and registration for the senior center craft bazaar in the evening.  Kim and I will go out for dinner and then she'll drive me to the senior center and home because I can't see to drive in the dark.  Thank heavens for family and friends to make our life full.

Matt took the air conditioner out of the window the other evening and it sits like a big lump on the floor where it has to stay.  I'm considering how to handle this when I have to stay home for the winter and decided I'd put a piece of fabric over it and make it look like a side table.  Always thinking ahead!  LOL!

It's a gorgeous sunny but cool fall morning but some of the clouds are dark with threatening rain.  I've got all the windows wide open because the apartment heat is on and I have no control over it.  I don't like a too warm apartment.  The fresh air coming in the windows is nice, too.

Well, I hope I win at the casino tomorrow or at least come home with the money I take so that I can go to the casino again this month.  I always give them every chance to take all my money.  I enjoy gambling maybe a little too much but I don't go overboard.  That's more than I can say about all the monks cloth I've accumulated.

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