Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Burka Clad Males Rob Toronto Store

I knew it would happen sooner or later...criminals completely hidden under burkas and committing crimes.  It's one of the reasons burkas should be banned...not because they represent a religious order but because they hide whoever is wearing them and that can be dangerous to the public.

Women in burkas make me nervous.  I'm not quite sure if they are women and, if they are, it's such a shame that they've been brainwashed or forced to cover themselves this way.  Like all things, there is a place and time for everything and the place is not on our Canadian streets.  The time is never as far as I'm concerned.  No female should hide themselves like this.  If they insist on doing so, they should return to their country of origin where it's accepted and expected.

Now for the weather...lots of snow but not nearly as bad as poor Buffalo got hit.  Even their major highways are closed and that's got to be a record for mid November.  I was out this morning in shoes but may have to wear my brand new boots when I head over to the dermatologist's office tomorrow morning.  It's supposed to warm up by the weekend and even rain which will wash away all the snow we don't want to see yet.

I stocked up on a few groceries but will need my sweet daughters to keep me stocked up on bananas and milk over the next 2 weeks.  I might surprise myself, though, and venture out with my bandage on if it isn't too big.  We'll see.

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