Sunday, December 14, 2014

Made it to Florida

The trip down to Florida was quite nice with no bad weather to deal with.  Cindy and I paid $75 for our first night's motel and $85 for Sunday's hotel but it was a deal.  I don't usually stay in the Hampton Inns because I think they're too expensive for me but we decided to splurge since it was right next to the Cracker Barrel where we planned to eat dinner.  The bonus turned out to be that the Hampton Inn holds a happy hour between 5 & 7 where FREE snackies and wine is served to their guests.  Whoopie!!

We also used only $103 in gas to travel from home to Tampa!  It hasn't been that cheap in years but the lower cost of gas was countered by our dropping Canadian dollar against the American dollar.

One sad note.  We passed the aftermath of a horrible accident involving a little Ford Focus and a transport truck.  The car was so mangled that it was impossible to tell if it was a car so I have to believe the person driving it must still be inside and dead.  Cindy read about the accident on the internet and the driver had been just a young man who apparently ran into the back of one transport truck and then was run over by another.  We saw what turned out to be the second transport tuck buried head first into the side of a hill but that driver had survived.  Death on the highway can be swift and vicious.

We arrived at Shelley's just in time for John to whisk us away to meet Shelley for lunch.  Both Shelley and John have been dieting together and each has lost over 30 lbs.  They look terrific.  By the way, Cindy has lost 40 lbs. and is more beautiful than ever.  These are people on a mission!  With my measly little 20 lb. loss, we'd shed 120 lbs....the weight of another person!

I headed over to the park on Tuesday feeling a little under the weather and have been battling laryngitis and a head cold ever since.  Cindy came to stay with me on Thursday and I forced myself to go shopping on Friday (not really) and then Sylvia and I drove her to the airport for home on Saturday.  She'd had an unseasonably cold week in Florida but the temps started to rise today.  So unfair.

I had to buy a new printer because the old one wasn't compatible with my new computer.  Cindy tried to download something or other so I could still use the old printer but it wouldn't work so I thought, what the hell, buy a new one and get it over with.  I slept off most of yesterday and today trying to heal myself and I guess it's working because I was able to think well enough to install the new printer ($35, so pretty cheap).  

I'm so hoping to feel well enough to start socializing without feeling like I'm a germ factory out to kill off old people in the park.  Tomorrow is gambling day and my goal is to be well enough to make it.

After all is said and done, I'm very happy to have made it to my little Florida trailer for another winter of fun.  I'm a very lucky old gal. 

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