Thursday, April 23, 2015

Neighborhood Mail Boxes

I remember the days when mail was delivered daily during the week and local mail would reach us within 1-2 days max.  These days it takes a week or more to receive local mail.  And now the post office is forcing those large neighborhood mail boxes on us and we don't seem to have any choice in the matter.

There's lots wrong about those neighborhood boxes.  They don't hold much and most mail I get is advertisement.  I have no choice about that, either, and couldn't stop it even if I raised hell.

It's difficult for seniors to get outside in bad weather, especially snowy and icy weather so how much mail will pile up before some of us can trek to our neighborhood mail boxes??  What will happen to important mail if we let the advertisements use up all the space before we can pick it up??

And what about single parents with children?  Are they supposed to wrap the babies up and drag them to the mail boxes every day?  The same goes for invalids who aren't physically able to walk or roll their wheelchairs to the mail boxes.

I know it's a cost cutting measure but I also know our mail service will not improve no matter what they do.  There's something called the Peter Principle that means people in large organizations are promoted until they reach the point where they can't do the job.  That says it all about the top management of our Canadian postal system.

In my apartment building, we get mail delivered right to our apartment doors and I thought that was kind of a waste.  It would make more sense to me if there was a place in the lobby where we could pick up our mail.  Why wasn't this sort of thing considered to save costs?  I'm sure mine is not the only building where this could be done.

So often we, the public, watch in dismay as our leaders prove that common sense is lost on a politician.

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