Thursday, April 02, 2015

Those Who Hurt Us

What the heck is there about people who choose a victim and hurt them over and over again?  I see people like that as bullies who search out the weaker and softer to make themselves seem more powerful.

I know I wrote a long time ago that "no-one can hurt you unless you allow it" and I tried to instill this concept in someone recently.  We can't allow ourselves to be held hostage by anyone who doesn't have our best interests at heart.  Sometimes we need to "amputate" (another description from a long ago friend).

Life is so short and full of real problems and disasters that we can't control but we can often control who we associate with.  I saw a cute Facebook post that said simply, "Be Nice, or Go Away!".  Brief and to the point.

I used to deal with injustices by yelling and trying to understand the distorted logic of whoever was hurting me but I long ago learned to cope in a different way.  Just walk away and let it be for good if that's what it takes.  I know this is easier said than done but the time to start realizing that you, too, are a worthy human being is right now.

Does that sound harsh?  I hope not.

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