Monday, June 01, 2015

The Weather

Everyone complains about the's too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry.  So far this spring we've had days of lovely warm/hot weather followed by darned cold weather.  I don't like the cold in the winter and I really hate it in the other seasons!

Yesterday was one miserable day.  It was cold, windy, and rainy.  And I had to go out in it because it was the day of Gary's memorial service.  The memorial service was truly wonderful, though.  I met and hugged relatives I seldom see and it was lovely how many family and friends came to the service.  Most of the family went back to Faye's for a while but I only stayed an hour.  I just wanted to get home and enjoy the solitude.  These family occasions are nice but I can only take so much of crowds and then I have to get away from it.

Anyway, Shelley, John, Kim, Faye, Valerie, and I are going out for brunch this morning and then Shelley and John have to leave for home.  I'm taking Kim for bloodwork and then will come back home for a nap.  I was up real early this morning.

Just 2 days until my surgery and I'm worried, fearful, and resigned to handle it the best I can.

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