Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Learn the Language

I don't understand why some people get upset when we suggest they learn the language of the country they live in.  Doesn't it make sense to do so?  I often think how isolated an immigrant to Canada is if they can't speak  English (outside Quebec).  It's completely to their advantage to learn the language spoken where they live.

Case in point...years ago Dennis and I were in Taiwan on business.  I stepped outside our hotel and took a walk around what I thought was the block.  All the street signs were in Chinese characters so I couldn't read them.  As it turned out, when I made my 3rd right turn I was not on the street where my hotel was and I had no idea how to find it.  The street signs were foreign to me.  If I had been driving, how the heck could I have found my way around??  Apparently there are going to be a lot of lost drivers in Canada and the States if they give driving licences to people who don't speak English!

I don't think it's prejudice to insist a person speak the language before issuing them a driver's licence.  I can't imagine why anyone would issue me a licence to drive in Taiwan.  A little common sense would go a long way here. 

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