Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Sylvia is Coming, Sylvia is Coming!

Sylvia left me a message yesterday that she's made her plane reservation to arrive here on September 29th and leave October 8th.  I am so excited.  She's been such a good friend for the last 10 years, mainly in Florida but also throughout the summers by e-mail.  She's one of those people you just click with because she's undertones.  

Good friends are as important to us as good family.  While family often has to accept us just because we're family, friends are there because they want to be there.  It's a big difference.

My special friends are like sisters to me.  They've always proven themselves to be honest and kind...that's all I ask of a friend.  That's where my comfort level lies.

I know I laugh more with my lady friends than I ever did with my husband or boyfriends before him.  Women are so much more fun to be around probably because we understand each other.  I do love the company of interesting men, too, because they provide a different perspective in conversation.  Now that I'm an old gal, I even initiate conversations with complete strangers, but usually young men because I'm still a little leery about how I might come across to a man my own age.

Back to Sylvia...I have lots of plans to show her around my area of the country.  She's never been to Ontario so I'll take her to Niagara Falls for sure.  We'll do some sightseeing and visit friends and family, too.  I can't wait!


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