Thursday, October 15, 2015

Alzheimer Loss

Joyce is one of my most loved in-laws and she has beginning Alzheimers.  She still has a pretty good long term memory but it's the short term memory that starts to fail the patients first.  We've learned to accept an often repeated question or comment from her as though it's the first time heard because that's the kindly thing to do.  She's helpless to change the course of this terrible illness so her loved ones' job is to make her life as comfortable as possible.

The last time I saw Joyce was in June (?) at Gary's memorial service and she was as beautiful as ever but a spark was gone.  My constant fear that she won't remember me hasn't happened yet but I know it will break my heart when it happens.

Faye invited me to her house for dinner today and Joyce and Larry will be there, too.  I have been blessed in this life with a lot of wonderful in-laws and I'm looking forward to dinner today with 3 of them!

When I began dating Dennis, it was Joyce who kindly took me under her wing and gathered me into their family.  It was a kindness I'll never forget.  She calls me her "little sister" and it warms my heart to hear that.

If you ever wondered how seniors become so strong, it's because we deal with so many losses as we age.  We deal with them and carry on because it's either that or wither and die.  I hate that I'm losing my beloved Joyce to this damned, horrible disease but you can bet I'll enjoy this day I get to spend with her.


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