Friday, October 16, 2015

Well Slept

I've had sleep problems for most of my life.  They had a severe effect on my life when I was younger and couldn't count on a nap to save me but now I can nap whenever I feel like it.

Sleepless nights will hound me for a few reason/no worries/no frets.  It isn't comfortable going through these times but I know that sooner or later my sleep patterns will rearrange themselves to give me a proper sleep.  A little worry is that they will never rearrange themselves!

I remember the day I started taking an anti-depression medication for the first time.  I hadn't had a proper sleep in probably 20 years but that first night I slept like a lamb, waking up to sunshine.  What a thrill.  I was able to discontinue anti-depression medication a long time ago and that's when I began having these sporadic sleepless nights.  I'm just thankful it doesn't happen all the time because they sure ruin your day.

I slept like the proverbial lamb last night because I was pretty well exhausted from a week of poor sleep so I hope this will continue for a while.  It's amazing how refreshed one feels after a good night's sleep.  Today I feel like I could accomplish anything I choose.  Funny, I choose to do not much.  

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