Saturday, November 21, 2015

3W Angels

There's no doubt I received one of the greatest blessings in my life the day I found my way to this Florida park.  I will never know if all senior R.V. and trailer parks are like this but I hear from people who have been in other parks that ours is special.  It's the people, of course, but how could so many wonderful human beings have ended up here?  Because of these good, good people, I never hesitated coming down here by myself after Dennis passed away.  I knew I wasn't on my own and I knew any help I needed would be offered by any number of friends here.

Marge's husband, Don, put up 2 new blinds for me yesterday.  They were on the front windows and the hot summer sunlight rotted the cords of the old ones.  No surprise.  And no surprise that Marge offered her husband's help when she heard I needed it.  That's just the way it is here.

Without all these good people helping us do what we can't ourselves, single ladies and handicapped people couldn't be here.  We couldn't afford to pay for outside help and we'd probably be cheated, too.  The angels who come to our aid make it possible for us to live fuller and more comfortable lives.

Thank you, angels.  You probably don't even know you're thought of as angels, but you are.

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