Thursday, November 26, 2015

Do-Gooders Won't Like This

So we're getting 25,000 (?) Syrian refugees in Canada in the next year.  Canada is a land of mixed nationalities and races who get along pretty good with the odd exception so why should we be wary of these new immigrants?  Well, I'll tell you one reason.

I don't remember the year but many will recall the Vietnamese refugees who fled their war torn country searching for a more peaceful home.  Many came to Canada and, as is often the rule with refugees, many had no documentation.  It was said that some of them destroyed their documents once they'd boarded a plane for Canada.  Hmm!

The vast majority of these people were decent, hard working individuals who were truthfully refugees needing our help but some criminals were able to slip in among the decent ones because security clearance was not up to par.

In my city we've always had an average sized Asian population and I once commented on how you never, ever saw an Asian surname in the newspaper connected with criminal activity.  Well, not only did those Asian surnames start popping up but our police department also had to create an Asian crime unit for the very first time in our history.  Vietnamese criminals began by victimizing their own people but soon spread out their activities to include everyone else.

The mistake Canada made was not in offering human aid to decent, law abiding Vietnamese but in not screening them more carefully.  This is my worry with the Syrian refugees, not that decent, law abiding Syrians be refused but just that the screening process is as complete as possible.

Bleeding heart liberals blast us for having reservations about refugees but we have every right to be concerned with not bringing in people who will be a danger to the existing population.  Our multicultural society is a source of pride and it would be such a shame to allow criminals to slip in just because we're rushing immigration. 

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