Saturday, January 23, 2016

Strong Winds

When strong winds blow in Canada, I don't worry but I do when that happens in Florida because I've seen too many pictures of trailers here flattened by tornadoes and hurricanes.

I've never been too close to a tornado but I have been here when one went through an area not too far away causing both destruction and death.  It's a frightening sight to see the aftermath of a tornado.  I remember seeing roofs blown off brick buildings, 50" light standards bent and almost flattened to the ground, and trailers left looking like a pile of scrap.

In this park of maybe 300 people, there is only one relatively safe place to go during a tornado and that's the billiard room but it's not very big, definitely not big enough to hold even 100 people.  I've only once since 1998 felt threatened enough by the weather to hike my little self over there.  Luckily, our park suffered no damage that day.

Today the winds are especially strong and I'll take care to watch the weather report.

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