Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why Do I Watch Maury???

I have very low class tastes at times and so I do watch Maury.  But I'm getting fed up with the number of women who bring man after man on stage to prove they're the father of their child only to be found wrong.  What is going on with the women who have so many sexual partners they don't know for sure who fathered their children??

The audience always boos the possible father who refuses to accept responsibility for the child until a DNA test proves it's his.  In this day and age, it seems this has become a wise decision.

Most often the child isn't his and he doesn't even get an apology from the mother, audience, or even Maury for what he has been put through.  It is a horrible thing to do to a man to insist he's the father of your child if you've been having sex with other men at the same time.  

When he does turn out to be the father, I feel sorry for the poor guy because he is now stuck with the screaming and often promiscuous woman for the rest of his life.  The baby will also suffer from this hateful union that brought about the birth of an innocent human being.

Men need to stop taking chances on impregnating women they don't love or want to spend their lives with.

I think I need to improve my choices of T.V. shows to watch.

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