Sunday, April 10, 2016

I'm Home

Lots still need to be done...spring housecleaning...but I've got the livingroom finished and the floors done with the exception of the bedrooms.  I'll do those tomorrow.  I want to do some decluttering, too.  I have a lot of craft supplies and games that need to go because they're not being used.

It was a long 2 day drive with Cindy and Don but both were good drivers.  The only scary incident happened when I was driving and the ramps of a small trailer in front of me dropped down.  I thought for sure they would rip off and it would have caused a terrible accident because I was pinned in my lane by a huge tractor trailer.  Luck held, though, and the driver with the trailer slid over 3 lanes to the right shoulder to repair it.

When we got to the border crossing in Detroit, the line-up extended out along the highway and looked to be miles long.  Nothing was moving much so we drove up to Sarnia to cross there.  The line-ups were very long, too, but they were moving okay.

It was soooo good to be home.  I didn't care that the outside air was pretty darned chilly because I was home!  Warm spring and summer weather is on the horizon so I can put up with a bit of cold for now.  I put away a few things and went to bed early.  Unfortunately, I kept waking up and being unable to get back to sleep immediately.  That makes for a tiring day.  I bought groceries yesterday and finished unpacking the car trunk.  I swear I'll not fill that trunk again next year...but somehow it happens.

Kim, Matt, Kellie, and I are going to Nick and Bev's for dinner tonight so I get to see Nolan and Nash, too.  I didn't buy them much while I was in Florida because I never see them in the clothes I buy for them.  I have to assume Natasha doesn't like my taste.  No problem...I'll treat them with dinners and entertainment.

I do miss my Florida friends but Dee and I will get together this summer at Fallsview.  Right now I'm fully enjoying being by myself for a few hours.  I'll be busy all next week with housecleaning, banking, and getting my taxes done.  Getting settled in the apartment is so much easier than when I had the house.  I've never for one second regretted selling and moving into my apartment.

And for now...I'll enjoy vegetating in front of the computer.  

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