Friday, April 22, 2016

Westboro Baptist Church Crazies

I'll bet that the crazies from Westboro Baptist Church have been the cause of many people turning against organized religion.  Any church group that preaches that much hatred has to be sick in the head.

I happened to catch a film clip on T.V. of one of their recent protests (either a military or a gay funeral) and it sort of frightened me to see these relatively normal looking people spewing hatred under the guise of what their "god" teaches them.  Would anyone worship a god of hatred??

And so I typed in a wordsearch on Google only to see that these whackos think Canadians are depraved and planned to protest at a Blue Jays game (I think one in the States).  Now I tend to think Canadians are liked everywhere because we're so blah but apparently these Baptists see us as demons from hell.  One of the church members was asked how many human beings will end up in hell and she said 99.999999999%.  She thinks she and her followers are going to heaven.  Yeah, right!  If she's the type of person that ends up in heaven, then it's misnamed and I hope I don't go there.

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