Monday, May 09, 2016

Vegan Personality

Let's see, when I think of a vegan, I picture a slim yuppy who is probably quite healthy.  I might also throw in a little bit of egotistical arrogance but just a dab.  I certainly don't think of vegans as can they be without eating meat like an animal?  Do vegans have muscles?

Well, there was a large editorial in today's newspaper about  the owners of a vegan restaurant chain in California (That might be the answer right there...Californians are whacky) who have decided to eat meat.  They won't serve it in their restaurants but eat it for their own meals.  So what, right?  Oh, no.  Apparently they have angry patrons and animal rights groups who have picketed their restaurants and even sent them death threats because those rabid vegans think they somehow have the right to say what goes into a vegan restaurateur's tummy...and it better not be meat!

It's almost funny but what I see is that these little spur groups develop an inflated vision of themselves and of their importance.  What I see is a minor group of thin and probably hungry people having a temper tantrum because they think they've been betrayed by one of their own.  No, they won't fight because they might get hurt but it doesn't take too much stamina to write death threats, does it?  So, it's not okay to eat meat but it's okay to kill human beings (as long as you don't eat them, I guess).  Pitiful.

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