Monday, June 13, 2016

Mass Murder in Orlando

The United States has two HUGE problems that won't be, might never be, dealt with and fixed.  The deadly mass murder in Orlando is the latest but definitely not the last that we'll see from that severely troubled country.

They have allowed muslims to immigrate into the country en masse without noticing that many of them have terrorist ties.  If they did notice but allowed them to immigrate anyway, that is another huge problem.

Obama did his best to stop the public sales of automatic assault rifles but the NRA and a whole lot of uninformed American citizens fought against it and won.  Anyone without a criminal record can walk into a store and buy an assault rifle.  It doesn't matter if they are mentally ill or belong to a terrorist group as long as they haven't been arrested.  What the hell!!!

The United States is infamously known for the number of mass murders that occur there and most were committed with automatic assault rifles.  Is there any sane reason why a regular citizen should be able to buy a weapon like this?  Is there any sane reason why the majority of Americans don't want it banned?  I just don't understand this.

I've seen postings on Facebook from good people who like to say that guns don't kill people, people do.  But not one of those mass murders could have been accomplished without an automatic weapon.  A hand gun needs to be reloaded after 6-8 shots (I know nothing about guns) and that would give most potential victims a chance to get away.  It is pure insanity for the United States to continue to allow the public sale of assault rifles.  

Now back to allowing the immigration of people with terrorist ties.  Why, in the name of all that is holy, would you invite anyone that dangerous into your country or your home?  There are good people all over the world that would love to live in the United States...consider the poor Mexicans who sneak in for a better life...and work to make it an even more beautiful free country.  Why aren't there stricter rules demanded for anyone wanting to move to the United States??  

Another big "why" is why do some people leave their wartorn and ugly home country to live in the United States or Canada and then not want to live by our laws?  Now, the nightclub killer was born in the States but his father and mother were immigrants from Afghanistan and his father had terrorist ties.  It doesn't take a lot of thinking to realize where he got his values.  He hated gays and felt he had the right to kill 49-50 of them in one fell swoop.  But...without the legal right to buy that damned assault rifle, he wouldn't have been able to accomplish what he did.

I love my American friends and family but, for those of you who refuse to give up the right to buy assault rifles, you are destroying your country.  Can you imagine citizens who have become fearful of going to a shopping mall or a concert?  I saw in the news a few years ago that Disneyworld was a possible target for terrorists.  Is this the way you want to live?  Please, please reconsider banning assault rifles.  It won't stop anyone from owning a hand gun but it will stop mass murders.

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