Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Meditation Class

Donna, Faye, and I went to our first meditation class and I, for one, was very impressed with what we learned.  I think I already knew how to do the stuff we were taught on our first day but maybe the reminder will spur me on to actually doing it every day.  We have 7 more classes and I'm looking forward to each one!

I understand that meditation should be an easy process and one of the things we did was to close our eyes, shut out the world, and just concentrate on our breathing for about 5 minutes.  That simple process relaxed me so much and it was what I used to put myself to sleep last night.  Some of our guide's instructions weren't as useful (concentrating on our pinkie finger) but I'm sure we'll be able to find what works best for each of us.

Lunch at the senior center followed and it was delicious.  We ate and chatted like the old, old friends we are...known each other for about 60 years!  Holy cow!!!  Then off to Faye's for more chatting and tea and goodies before heading home.

It's difficult for me to remember when I had nasty people in my life that I either was forced to deal with or chose to allow in my life for whatever reasons.  I have only good people around me now.  I have become stone cold selfish with my time and refuse to spend any of it with anyone who isn't a good soul.  And I'm very, very happy.

With age came the wisdom to know my own worth.

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