Friday, July 29, 2016

Serenity Now

Since I stepped back from the world of violence, I'm sleeping better.  I've put the world in the hands of everyone else instead of me trying to pull it together and it's been working out well...for me and for the rest of the world...not as much violence the past few days than before.

I watched an interesting program the other day about how children up to the ages of 2-4 are filled with honesty and sharing but, once exposed to cheating and lying, they slip right into those ways.  That tells me that we're supposed to behave like an innocent 2 year old and not like a worldly, corrupted 30 year old.  It's the adults that soil the innocence of childhood.

Of course, there has been violence and destruction around the world while I've been hiding.  We humans are doomed to destroy everything beautiful that was created for us.  I still have that vision of parents frantically pushing babies in strollers trying to escape a rampaging vehicle in Paris and that won't ever leave my mind.  There's no logic to anyone trying to run down and murder innocent bystanders...only a rotting and festering mind.

Enough of that.  Serenity now!  I posted a few photos of Haitian art the other day that I had Kim send to Costco to enlarge for me and they turned out great so I'm having them plaqued.  I'm just doing 2 of them, though, because my main focus is still flowers.  It's important to note that your mind does absorb what your surroundings represent.  In my case, my mind becomes filled with happiness and calm when I see those flower pictures all around my apartment.  If your surroundings are ugly and your friends/family are bitter, guess what your state of mind will be?

I think I'll hide away in my own little world of flowers and kind people for a while yet.  I don't think I'm strong enough emotionally to step out into the real world.

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