Thursday, September 08, 2016

Peace and Quiet

There is a big difference in the emotional makeup between teens and the elderly...I'm going to generalize.

When I was a teen, peace and quiet bored me to death and I couldn't escape it fast enough looking for excitement.  It was a gradual change to how I feel about peace and quiet now that I'm 76.  I love it!  Too much excitement seems to tire me in some way, maybe high emotions in old age draws too much energy.

When I was a teen, I was always on the go with friends because being alone didn't suit me at all.  Now, I love time spent with family and friends but I do believe I love being alone just as much.

I know everyone doesn't age the same way and Faye is one of them...she has to be engaging with people constantly.  I get tired just listening to her describe her day!  Now, Mary and Donna are more like me and we treasure our alone time.  The nice thing is that we all have pretty good senior lives and can choose how we want to spend our time.

Today is my day to see the dentist for a cleaning and then I'll have no commitments until next week.  I like it like that!

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