Monday, September 05, 2016

When to Refuse

Nick and Bev had us all over for breakfast again yesterday and the conversation somehow turned to my refusal to answer Statistics Canada survey questions.  For the life of me, I can't understand why my family believes we should answer ALL government questions no matter what they are or even if we think they have no right to ask them.  I just don't get it.

This got me wondering at what point my family would balk and refuse to answer a government question.  Would it be when they are asked about their sex life?  Would it be when they're asked how much they paid for their car?  Would it be when they were asked how much alcohol they drink in a month?  Would it be if they have unnatural thoughts?

We all have our limits and I don't believe my family would blindly answer what they considered to be questions that invaded their privacy.  But that's how I feel now.  My family would tell the government where they vacation but I won't.  I already answered one question on the survey by telling them I live alone...but I should not have done that.

Apparently I set a lower limit than my family does about what I feel the government needs to know about my life.  Maybe Canadians are too passive for their own good.


Shelley said...

Sounds like a Trumpesque type of survey! I'm sure you've been on the Statistics Canada website - the survey IS voluntary. Next time they call, curse them out!

patsyrose said...

There is one survey that is mandatory as of today but it was one that the government neglected when the rest were made voluntary. Statistics Canada has become a scary institution and they're trying to make ALL of their surveys mandatory and that would be like living in a police state. At some point, we have to say NO! In a free country, the government has no right to know every single thing about you.

patsyrose said...

By the way, I completed the 2016 census which is mandatory and have been told by Canada Census that my file is now closed. Statistics Canada is insisting the questions they want answered (long census) has nothing to do with the census. Ridiculous!

patsyrose said...

No, Shelley, I would never cuss them out. They are only workers doing their jobs. It's the person who runs Statistics Canada that needs to be cussed out. I wouldn't do that, either, because I'm a nice person.